Change Spotify Themes

This section contains information on how to change your Spotify themes with Spicetify. If you have not installed Spicetify, read Install Spicetify and Spicetify Marketplace first.

You can change your Spotify theme with Spicetify Marketplace. Alternatively, you can download the themes from the Spiceity Theme repository on GitHub and apply it to your Spotify client with the command line.

  1. Enable the Themes tab in the Spicetify Marketplace.
  2. Download the theme and apply it to your Spotify client.
  3. Restart Spotify.

Note: You may experience delays when you try to access the content in the Themes tab. If you are having issues changing your themes within Spotify with Marketplace, try the below alternative way.

Use the themes in the Spicetify Theme repository on GitHub

Before you start, run the below command line to backup your Spotify client.

spicetify backup

Download the themes from the spicetify-themes repository on GitHub.

  1. Visit the spicetify-themes repository
  2. Click Codes (green button)
  3. In the dropdown menu, click Download ZIP
  4. Extract the zip file.
  5. Move the resulting folder to the Themes folder under the Spicetify Config directory.

See other download options on Spicecity Community Themes.

After you download the themes, you can change your themes with the command line. Alternatively, you can change the config-xpui.ini file manually, then run the command to change your Spotify theme.

Change the themes with the command line

  1. Run the below command to change your theme. Replace THEME_NAME with the desired theme’s name. For example, to change the theme to ‘Flow’, run spicetify config current_theme Flow

    spicetify config current_theme THEME_NAME

  2. If the theme you want to use has multiple color schemes, run the below command to switch your theme between different colors. Replace SCHEME_NAME with the desired color.
    For example, if you are using the theme ‘Flow’, you can change the theme color to ‘violet’ with spicetify config color_scheme violet

    spicetify config color_scheme SCHEME_NAME

  3. Run the below command to apply the theme to your Spotify client.

    spicetify apply

Change themes manually

Instead of changing the value of current_theme and color_scheme , and then change the themes with the command line, you can do the same by editing the config-xpui.ini file by following the steps below:

  1. Run spicetify config-dir to go to the Spicetify Config directory.
  2. Open the config-xpui.ini file with the TextEdit application on your Mac. Alternatively, you can open the file with Visual Studio Code or any other editors if you have them installed.
  3. Change the value of current_theme and color_scheme.
  4. Save the config-xpui.ini file.
  5. Run spicetify apply in your Terminal to apply the theme.

Create themes - Basics

This section contains basic information on how to create your own theme. Since this process requires lots of effort and every person has their desired themes to design, we are not able to cover everything in this section. We recommend you use the existing themes first. But if you have experience with CSS and would like to take on the challenges, do the below first before you start your journey.

  1. Create a new folder under the Spicetify Themes directory.
  2. Name the folder as the theme’s name. Add the below four files to this folder.
  3. Edit the color.ini and user.css files to create your own themes.

  4. Enable the Spotify Developer Tool

    During the development process, you can access the Spotify developer tools to understand more about Spotify’s structure.

    1. Run the below command to enable the Spotify developer tool.
    2. spicetify enable-devtools

    3. Open the developer tool with command+shift+I.

    Alternatively, click Develop in the menu bar and click Developer tool in the dropdown menu.